Tuesday, October 28, 2008



More than nine years of federal litigation have established on the federal record, concrete, specific, and conclusive evidence showing that federal judges that include Ricardo H. Hinojosa, Randy Crane, Dorina Ramos, and Peter Ormsby have become instruments of the Executive, and have attempted to discredit as delusional the harm caused on men, women, and children by a malicious satellite surveillance and tracking in order to protect those engaged in fraud of federal funds, fraud on the courts, and corruption of legal education.

Exhibit “7" to Plaintiff’s Motion to Recuse US District Judge Ricardo H. Hinojosa illustrates some of the physical harm caused on women and children by radiation directed by satellite and which can make of a home or vehicle a virtual microwave oven. Jesus Mendoza Maldonado v. Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of the Social Security, US District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Mcallen, Division, Case No. M-05-133.

Satellite technologies are in use against those who denounce injustice and are replacing the dragging and hanging. Exhibit “7" describes the swelling pains and suffering caused by invisible and silent radiation, and demonstrates that we are dealing with the same mentality that murdered and tortured women and children in concentration camps. Every day these judges stay on the bench represents a crime to humanity, a violation to due process and a violation to the Clause of Separation of Powers. Now is the time make questions and to speak up against injustice. Don’t’ let apathy skepticism and indifference make you or your family another victim of hate. Call now your State and federal legislators and civil rights organizations and demand an explanation in writing to this case. They have a duty to tell you the truth.
For more information See Exhibit “1"

EXHIBIT “7" Plaintiff’s Motion to Recuse US District Judge Ricardo H. Hinojosa, Jesus Mendoza Maldonado v. Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of the Social Security, US District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Mcallen, Division, Case No. M-05-133.

EXHIBIT “7" describes some of the harm caused by radiation directed by satellite and which can make of a vehicle, the work place and even of a home a virtual microwave oven.

Photo “A”, “B” and “C” shows the before, during and after effects of overexposure to satellite aggression. Photo “D” shows how the swelling caused by exposure to radiation inside the skull is displacing one eye out of place.
Photos “F’, “G,” and “H” “I” and “J’, show the swelling, pain and suffering caused by the radiation aggression on children. Photo “N” is a cartoon depicting some of the technology used by the Executive to direct harmful radiation on unsuspected victims in order to monitor activity inside walls and even in a moving vehicle. Photos “K,” “L” “M” show detection equipment indicating that an electronic aggression is taking place. Photos “K,” “L,” “M” show the full range of the meter indicating 110 thousand milliroentgens per hour- 350 thousands counts per minute of gamma radiation. Photos “O” and “P” captured bursts of toxic radiation and show the intensity of the flashes of electronic aggression.

Photos “Q,” “R,” “S,” and “T” show the swelling caused after an electronic aggression took place. These evidence including testimony, video recordings, and evidence showing that the US government is using satellite radiation as an instrument of torture and murder have been presented to federal courts during litigation without opposition. David L. Guerra, Counsel for the former US Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales claimed the use of gamma and x-rays for surveillance of residences is legal despite of evidence showing the physical harm caused on children.

The cases below expose the fact that there is no safeguard in place to impede that the same mentality that tortured and murdered women and children in concentration camps use advanced satellite technologies to make homes, schools, hospitals, churches, and even vehicles, virtual microwave ovens. This is the time to ask questions.