Wednesday, May 21, 2008


please post it
Satellite Surveillance and Organized Stalking are in use to retaliate against those who denounce injustice in a way that the victim does not perceive the aggression and on a way that those who perceive the aggression are regarded as delusional. Satellite Tracking and Organized Stalking could be considered the most serious threat to our form of government and to the welfare of the American family.
After interviewing victims, a State legislator is asking colleagues and friends to help victims of torture by electronic weapons and organized harassment. See
Conclusive evidence on the federal record demonstrates the fact that federal judges and State agencies committed fraud on the courts to protect those who under the excuse of national security are using Satellite tracking and Organized Stalking as instruments of retaliation, torture, and murder against men, women, and children . See Maldonado v Alexander et al, Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 06-9569 at
Please call your legislators and civil rights organizations and demand an explanation in writing about Satellite aggressions and Organized Stalking. Your legislators and civil rights organizations have a duty to tell you the truth. Exhibit "1" to Complaint of Violation of Civil Rights to US Attorney General Michael Mukasey, illustrates the harm caused on children by radiation directed by satellite. See
WHAT IS AN ELECTRONIC AGGRESSION? DIRECTED RADIATION HAS BEEN THE PERFECT WEAPON FOR THE PERFECT CRIME. An electronic aggression is the intentional exposure to silent, invisible, and harmful radiation. Radiation can be beamed to a person, to a family, to the work place, to the classroom, to congregations and even to a moving vehicle by land and satellite technologies, and even from concealed devices within the neighborhood. Even exposure to low intensity directed radiation can cause pain, swelling of vital organs, sleep deprivation, depression, and other maladies that can be blamed to weight gain, aging, or other natural causes. Traditional doctors are not equipped to detect or diagnose the harm caused by overexposure to radiation, and prescription of drugs may compromise further the victims immune system. See Gerald Goldberg MD, "Would You Put Your Head in a Microwave Oven?"; (Author House, 2006).
At this time there are no safeguards in place to impede that the same mentality that tortured, maimed, and murdered women and children in concentration camps use deadly satellite technologies to make homes, the work place, vehicles, schools, courts, hospitals, congregations, and even border crossings, virtual microwave ovens. See Patrick Korody, "Satellite Surveillance within US Borders," 65 Ohio St. L. J. 1627, (2004); "Some Aspects of Electromagnetic Weapons," Synopsis prepared for the International Committee of the Red Cross Symposium, by David Guyatt, (1996); John Fleming, "The Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance."
WHAT IS ORGANIZED HARASSMENT? Organized Stalking is a copy cat of the scheme used by dictatorships to retaliate against those who denounce injustice and includes a satellite coordinated high speed road harassment disguised as ordinary reckless driving aimed to overload the senses of the target, and cause harm in a way that appears natural, accidental, or the result of a mental problem. Organized harassment includes efforts to frame and entrap the target into a crime, and efforts to discredit the victim by labeling the victim as child molester, troubled, terrorist, spy, or mentally insane. Children of the victim become favorite targets. Road harassment has caused many deadly accidents. Children have been picked up dead from the pavement in this area. Evidence indicates that the shooting tragedies that are occurring on campuses across the nation are a reaction of targets of Organized Harassment. Members of these vigilant hate groups can be found on schools, universities, hospitals, congregations and even on the courts, and disguise themselves as members of Concerned Citizens Groups, Neighborhood Watch, Crime Stoppers, etc. See
PODRIA SER USTED VICTIMA DE MONITOREO POR SATELITE O DE ACOSO ORGANIZADO? MONITOREO POR SATELLITE PUEDE HACER DE UN HOGAR UN VERDADERO HORNO DE MICRONDAS. Sin saberlo, usted o sus seres queridos podrian ser ahora victimas de Agrecion Electronica por satelite o de Acoso Organizado. Agrecion por Satellite y Acoso Organizado han sido especialmente disenados para causar dano de un modo que la victima no se de cuenta y de un modo que los que perciban la agrecion sean tachados de enfermos mentales. Acoso Organizado podrian ser considerados la mas seria amenaza para nuestras familiasy para nuestra forma de govierno. (5-17-2008).
Un diputado estatal, despues de entrevistar victimas de agrecion electronica y de acoso organizado ha pedido a colegas y amigos ayuda para las victimas de esta tortura en hombres mujeres y ninos. Ver
Evidencia conclusa en el record demuestra como jueces federales han cometido fraude en los tribunales para protejer aquellos que bajo la escusa de seguridad nacional estan usando armas electronicas para torturar y asesinar victimas inocentes. Ver Maldonado v Alexander et al, Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 06-9569 en
Por favor pida una explicacion por escrito de Agrecion electronica y de Acoso organizado a su su legislador federal y estatal y a su organizacion de derechos civiles. Ellos tienen el deber de decirle la verdad. Comparta esta informacion con los demas. No permita que la apatia, escepticismo, o indiferencia lo hagan victima de esta maldad. No hay nada mas importante que proteger nuestras familias de esta seria amenaza. Exhibit "1" demuestra el dano causado en ninos por radiacion dirigida por satelite. Ver Complaint of Civil Rights to US Attorney General Michael Mukasey en
Una agrecion electronica es el dirigir a una persona radiacion invisible y silenciosa que`puede incluir micro ondas, radar, lasers, luz ultravioleta y rayos x y gamma. Monitoreo por satellite require el rebotar radiacion de la victima para ver en una pantalla de video actividad dentro de una residencia y hasta en un vehiculo en movimiento. Una agrecion puede venir por satelite, por tecnologias en tierra, y hasta de racismo en el vecindario. Monitoreo por satelite puede se la causa de muertes y enfermedades inexplicables incluyendo muertes de imigrantes cuando crusan la cerca virtual. Bajo la escusa de seguridad nacional Agrecion Electronica y Acoso Organizado han sido designados para torturar y asesinar aquellos que se quejan de injusticia de un modo que los demas no perciban la agrecion, y de un modo que es casi imposible identificar los agresores. Este programa fue disenado por expertos en agrecion sicologica y confian en que la mayoria de la gente tachara el sufrimiento de las victimas como delirio mental o fantasia.
En este momento no hay nada que impida que la misma mentalidad que torturo y asesino mujeres y ninos in campos de concentacion use tecnologia de satelite para convertir hogares, oficinas, hospitales, escuelas, congregaciones, veiculos, y hasta cruces fronterisos en verdaderos hornos de microndas.
Ver Patrick Korody, "Satellite Surveillance within US Borders," 65 Ohio St. L. J. 1627, (2004); "Some Aspects of Electromagnetic Weapons," Synopsis prepared for the International Committee of the Red Cross Symposium, by David Guyatt, (1996); John Fleming, "The Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance." "U.S. must Get on Track to Keep Peace on Heart," (San Antonio Express-News at 7B, January 26, 2007).
Radiacion dirigida de baja intensidad es suficiente para causar inflamacion de organos vitales causando malestares que puden ser atribuidos a sobrepeso o a otras causas naturales. La mayoria de los medicos no estan equipados para diagnosticar o tratar problemas causados por radiacion dirigida y la prescripcion de medicamentos podrian agravar el sistema inmunologico y la condicion de la victima. Los ninos y los ancianos son mas vulnerables a este tipo de agrecion. Ver Gerald Goldberg MD, Would You Put Your Head in a Microwave Oven?, (Author House, 2006).
QUE ES ACOSO ORGANIZADO? Acoso Organizado es una copia del metodo usado por dictaduras para causar dano a aquelos que se quejan de injusticia e incluye acoso vehicular a alta velocidad, cordinado por satelite, con el proposito de intimidar, desorientar, y causar dano de un modo que se vea natural, accidental, o el resultado de un problema mental. Los ninos de la victima son el blanco favorito. Para recrutar acosadores, los organizadores circulan falsos rumores que la victima es violador de ninos, drogadicto, prostituta, espia, terrorista, trastornado mental, etc. Sin saberlo, sus vecinos, sus empleados, sus companeros de clase, miembros de su congregacion, y hasta miembros de su familia puden haber sido victimas o estar envueltos en este tipo de terrorismo disfrazado. Ver Acoso vehicular ha causado acidentes fatales. Ninos han sido levantados muertos del pavimento en esta area. Evidencia indica que las tragedias que estan ocurriendo en escuelas y congregaciones en diferentes partes de el pais han sido una reaccion violenta de victimas de Acoso Organizado. Victimas de Tortura Electronica y Acoso Organizado han llevado sus quejas a las legislaturas. See Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, Ver
HOW I FOUND THE MANUAL OF LIFE, Mi testimony (5-17-2008).
Can satellites make of a home a virtual microwave oven? What you are about to read in these pages may seem to be a diabolic nightmare. One time I heard that God whispers to your ear before He throws you a brick to call your attention. Only this horrifying experience could make me look for a way to find God.
I had lived an honest life. However, I did not have God on my heart. I was arrogant, proud of myself, always criticizing other's mistakes, wise on my own opinion, and I had an answer to everything. I was like an animal going to its own destruction. All of the sudden I found myself lying down on a chicken house dying in pain, struggling to breath, forgotten by all, and with no hope. I begged to the Lord for my life so I could serve Him and my children. God answered my prayers. This trial has showed me that we have a living God that punishes the same way a loving father punishes his children.
Several times during my years of college, I heard professors saying that there was a covert program of blackmail and intimidation able to manipulate even the integrity of the courts, used to retaliate against those who denounced injustice, all in the name of national security. I could not believe that the best form of government could sponsor such program. "Even the best have skeletons on their closet" they said, warning that even making research on the matter was risky. My interest then was to finish college and go to law school. I never thought that such evil could one day cause harm to my children and to myself.
I started law school in the State of Michigan in May of 1995. My intention was to work as a lawyer to help the poor. If I could make the same money I make working as an auto-mechanic while helping the needy, I will be killing two birds with one stone, I thought. However, my thoughts started to change by the second year of law school. I started to think that maybe it may not be right to study day and night to help those who probably were not going to appreciate it. I did not know that the tribulation was near.
Everything started when I found evidence that the law school was a big fraud. All of the sudden I found myself on the emergency room with chest pains, and difficulty to breath. Something was telling me that my maladies had to do with the evidence of fraud that I had found. Right after I became the subject of road harassment by weird people, and I felt like electrical shocks all over my body. I moved from my apartment, and placed aluminum paper in between the covers in my efforts to ameliorate the pain and be able to sleep. I would go from place to place looking for a place to study to no avail. The harassment was following everywhere I would go. I was confused, and many times I was asking myself whether I was losing my mind. The harassment was worst everyday, and I returned to my home town, Mission, Texas. It was July of 1998.
I started to work as a mechanic. However, the harassment followed me even to the work place. The pain and the diarrhea forced me to leave to Reynosa, Mexico. The harassment almost disappeared there. I decided to return when my wife became pregnant. I wanted to take to court the culprits of this harassment. I tried to find an attorney to no avail. Is very difficult to win a case against the federal government I was told. One attorney send me to see a Christian attorney, because according to him, this attorney could help me out. I went to his office and after explaining my case, the attorney told me that he was a servant of God, that he worked honestly and did not make a lot of money, then he could not take a case that was to take a lot of time and expense. "Let me pray for you", he told me. I came out of his office disappointed, feeling insulted. This guy wants to fix everything with prayers, I thought, without knowing that I was on a long road to realize that the solutions to all of our problems start with sincere prayer.
I filed a law suit myself against the law school. I know the law, I can do it myself, I need nobody, I thought. After three years of litigation, everything came out wrong, I thought. What I said before the courts was not what I had prepared. Without knowing, the Lord had placed wise words on my lips. The harm caused by the overexposure to radiation had divested my body of the ability to tolerate environmental radiation. I had to spend the afternoons in the country side to be able to work. There, I started to read the Bible. I grabbed the book like someone grabs a life saver on troubled waters. Something was telling me that on that book I could find the answer to my problems. I had sought an education seeking wisdom and intelligence. However, the more years of study the more confusion I found, but I learned how to appear educated. I did not know that an education without God takes you more away from Him, and that the real wisdom and intelligence are found on the way seeking God.
Maybe this book has a trick, I thought. Its almost a thousand pages, but I am used to read more, so reading this one is going to be piece of cake, I thought. It took me a year to read the whole Bible for the first time. After reading it three times a pastor told me that unless we have the spark of God on our hearts, just reading the Bible is like having a car without battery.
The Lord gave us our daughter Kim in the year 2000. Ivan came the next year, and then came my daughter Karina. I was getting worst everyday, I could barely work. At the beginning, I tried to persuade myself that the electronic aggression had ended, and that what I was filing was just the pain caused by the environmental radiation. However, I would see my children screaming in pain in the middle of the night at the same time I felt the electric shocks. It was torturing to see my children in pain, swollen and disoriented, but I could not run into the street asking for help without risking being locked on a mental house. To begin with, my family could not understand how the lights, the television set, the fridge, or the air conditioning could cause me swelling and pain. Some thought that I was crazy and was making excuses not to work. I was the object of ridicule, insults and scorn. My family became also my enemy.
I sought help and understanding with those who appeared more intelligent to no avail. Not even the more educated could contemplate the possibility that advanced and invisible technology could be used to torture and murder at a distance. I found myself on a dark tunnel of misery and despair. One day, crying with my daughter on my arms I asked the Lord to provide me with the equipment to demonstrate that this aggression is real. The Lord answered my prayers.
With the evidence necessary, I filed a law suit against the only one that could be responsible for this infamy, the federal government. While the case went through the courts, I tried to stay away from my children, to spare them pain and suffering. I asked the owner of the shop where I was working to allow me stay there after explaining my tribulation. A few weeks after, he asked me to leave, because he could not stand the pain and was concerned for his children. Things became worst after the case reached the US Supreme Court. I asked my wife to take the children to the ranch of my in-laws in Mexico.
A few days after, a police officer came to my door with an order of arrest. My mother had been persuaded that I was neglecting medical care, and that a State hospital was able to cure electrical sensitivities. Without knowing, my mother was sending me to a mental hospital. There, I presented the medical records of my condition that indicated that I could not stay inside a building for extended periods of time. I was ignored. I spent the night on the emergency room with a swollen heart. During the psychiatric evaluation, the doctor claimed not to be familiar with electrical sensitivities. To him, my claim that I had a pending case on the US Supreme Court was delusional, he said.
I asked the Lord not to let me die there because I did not want my children carry the stigma that their father had died on a mental hospital. The Lord answered my prayers. The same day, I saw a gentleman walking by. He had a look of peace and harmony in his face. I asked him if he was a doctor, and he said, "yes, I am a doctor here." I asked him if he was familiar with people with electrical sensitivities. He said that he had studied several cases in Greece, the place where he was coming from. After making a psychiatric evaluation, he said that the only problem I had was to explain to others that I am sensitive to electricity. My wife and kids were waiting for my at home.
A month after the swelling and pain aggravated my breathing problems, and I was taken to the ranch of my in-laws in Mexico. The electronic aggression almost kills me the same night I arrived there. There was no doubt, the radiation was directed by satellite. It was May, of 2003.
It is difficult to believe that death can come from satellites, I told my in-laws, as I was lying in bed, on the patio looking at the stars. The pain was so intense that I could barely breath. Everyday seemed to be the last. What is happening to me is bound to happen to you too guys, I told them. Unless we do something about it no even the chickens are going to make it, I said. This is like placing us inside a microwave oven everyday, I explained. Only God can save us from this, but it would be tempting the Lord if we do no do anything to defend ourselves, I told them. The wise thing to do now is to get together as a family and send a letters to our congressmen asking for an explanation to this case, maybe that could help, I explained. Please do it for my children, I begged.
One day, one of my nephews came for help on a homework dealing with satellite technology. I read aloud one paragraph explaining how satellites are equipped with powerful lasers and other lethal technologies. It was horrendous to hear my in-laws complaining of pain all night. My mother in law thought that this was witchcraft. Although she was a Christian, the pain made her to persuaded me to go and see a witch. Thanks God, the lady was not home. One day I felt the need to go to church. I cried when they placed their hands on my head. Without knowing, I was surrendering to the feet of Crist. It was wonderful.
I asked the Lord to see my desire to serve him with all my heart. However, I felt unease when I invited the Holy Spirit to come in me when my head was full of arrogance, envy, hate, resentment, and revenge. Little by little I started to get rid of that evil, replacing it with love. I shared with the congregation my efforts to purify my mind. I said that we have the habit of judging others by appearances. "And we think bad of people most of the time, said one of my sisters in Crist. It was true. I realized that the best way to please the Lord is treating others the same way we like to be treated. I realized that I was like a beast before God. When it done on me that the Son of God had asked for forgiveness to those who were whipping, and spitting Him, I started to pray for those who are procuring this evil to us. Things started to change when the prayers became sincere.
When I felt I had only a few days to live, I came back home to see my children for the last time. Thanks God, I started to feel better, and I was able to work. However, the electronic aggression became stronger even at the work place. One day, I was on my knees asking the Lord to provide the equipment so I could demonstrate to others that the electronic aggression persisted. At that time, the telephone rang. I had been on a radio talk show explaining my tribulation and the producer was offering me detection equipment. The Lord has giving me what I need to show with facts that this evil plan is real.
The Lord has answered my prayers. A State legislator, after interviewing several victims, sent a letter to his colleagues asking to help victims of torture by electronic weapons and organized harassment. Prayers that evil do not harm my children have been answered. My daughters' speech problems are getting mild. Karina had grown a tumor on her foot and could not move one finger in each hand. The tumor disappeared one day before the surgery, and now she can move all of her fingers. What I thought had come out wrong on the courts came out to be right. Although the litigation did not stop the electronic aggressions, the litigation established as a matter of law my mental stability and the fact that satellite technologies are in use to torture those who denounce injustice in a way that others may not perceive the aggression. The litigation established the fact that some judges committed fraud on the courts to protect the culprits of torture and murder on men, women and children. This evidence can be used by other victims. Although I have tried to explain every which way this complex technology, only those who have an intimate relationship with God have been able to discern this tribulation.
The Lord has giving me the opportunity to encourage other victims to seek help from the Lord. I explain that it is more likely that God would help one of His servants than helping one evil person form another evil.
The road harassment continues. There has been attempts to run over myself and my children, I have been the subject of death threats, and I have been labeled as child molester, drug dealer, and mentally insane. It is sad to see in congregations, some of those engaged in this evil. The electronic aggressions occur even when I am helping my children with homework. Although the pain stays with me day and night, the Lord has giving me the strength to deal with this trial. Even in the agony of the pain I feel the joy of having placed all of my faith and confidence on the Lord. Now I know that everything comes right to all who meditate on the word of God on everything they do. Please pray for us and for those who procure us harm.
Jesus Mendoza, 2202 E. 28th. St. Mission, Texas, 78574
EL MANUAL DE LA VIDA, Mi testimonio. (5-17-2008).
Podria un satelite hacer de una casa un verdadero horno de microndas? Esto que les voy a contar parece una pesadilla diabolica. Alguien dijo que Dios, antes de mandarte un ladrillaso, te susurra en el oido para que te vuelvas a El. Solamente algo como esto me podia hacer seguir el manual de la vida, el camino para encontrar a Dios.
Yo vivia una vida comoda y pensaba que tenia todo lo que necesitaba. Aunque habia vivido una vida honesta, vivia alejado de Dios. Era orgulloso, arrogante, no toleraba los errores de otros, siempre tenia una opinion, y la respuesta para todo. Era como un animal irracional caminando a su propia destruccion. De pronto me halle en el suelo de un gallinero, muriendo de dolor, luchando para poder respirar, olvidado de mi familia y sin esperanza. Alli rogue a Dios me diera la vida para servirle a El y a mis hijos. Dios me ha escuchado. Esto que he vivido me ha demostrado que tenemos un Dios vivo y que castiga como un padre amoroso aquellos a quien ama.
Varias veces, durante mis estudios de ciencias politicas en la universidad, se nos habia dicho que habia un sistema encubierto de chantage e intimidacion que podia manipular hasta la integridad de los tribunales para causar dano aquellos que se quejan de injusticia y para proteger corrupcion, todo en el nombre de seguridad nacional. No me cabia en la cabeza como la mejor forma de govierno en el mundo pudiera ser capaz de patrocinar algo asi. "Hasta los mejores tienen esqueletos en el closet" decian algunos profesores advirtiendo que hasta hacer una investigacion del tema en la libreria era riesgoso. Eso no me interesaba, mi meta era el acabar la universidad y empezar mi carrera de abogado. Nunca pense que esta maldad un dia le fuera causar tanto dano a mi familia y a mi.
Eempeze a estudiar derecho en el estado de Michigan en 1995. Mi intencion era ejercer la profesion para ayudarle al necesitado. Si podia ganar de abogado lo que habia estado ganado de mecanico y ayudandole al pobre, mataba dos pajaros de una pedrada, pensaba yo. Sin embargo, mis pensamientos empezaron a cambiar despues del segundo ano de estudios. No se me hacia justo sacrificarme tantos anos estudiando para ayudar a alguien a quien a la mejor no te lo va a agradecer, pensaba yo. No sabia que mi tribulacion estaba cerca.
Todo comenzo despues de descubrir que la universidad de derecho era un fraude de proporciones gigantescas. De pronto me encontre en la sala de emergencia con el corazon inflamado. Algo me decia que esto tenia que ver con la evidencia de fraude que habia descubierto. De pronto me halle acosado por gente desconocida y por vehiculos en las calles, y sentia algo como choques electricos en todo el cuerpo. Me cambie de apartamento, me cubria con papel de aluminio para evitar el dolor y poder dormir, y hasta me iba a estudiar a otros lugares sin resultado alguno. Eso me seguia a todas partes. Me encontraba confundido y mucha veces pense si no me estaria volviendo loco. El acoso se ponia cada dia peor. Cuando faltaba un mes para terminar mis estudios, decidi que no era prudente quedarme mas tiempo y regrese a casa, en Mission, Texas. Era Julio de 1998.
Empeze a trabajar en un taller mecanico. El acoso me seguia hasta en el trabajo. El dolor y la diarrea me obligaron a irme a trabajar a Reynosa, Mexico, la ciudad donde me crie. Alli trabaje de maestro de ingles en una universidad. El acoso casi desaparecio. Decidi regresar cuando se embarazo mi esposa. Tenia la intencion de llevar a los tribunales a los culpables de estas agreciones.
Busque un abogado que me pudiera ayudar sin ningun resultado. Es muy dificil ganarle al govierno federal, decian. Uno de ellos me mando a ver alguien que me podria ayudar porque segun el, este abogado era Cristiano. Cuando le presente mi caso, me dijo que el era siervo de Dios, que trabajaba honestamente, que no ganaba mucho dinero, y no podia invertir en un caso que iba a durar y costar tanto. "Dejame orar por ti me dijo". Sali desilusionado, casi insultado de la oficina. Este lo quiere componer todo con oraciones pense, sin saber que empezaba un largo camino para darme cuenta, que alli esta el comienzo de la solucion a todos los problemas, el tesoro que todos andamos buscando.
Yo mismo empeze el litigio contra la escuela de derecho. Yo se la ley, yo puedo solo, no necesito a nadie, pensaba yo. Despues de tres anos de pleito legal todo habia salido mal, creia yo. Lo que hablaba delante de los tribunales no era lo que yo habia preparado. Despues me daria cuenta que Dios habia puesto palabras sabias en mi boca.
La agrecion electronica me habia danado el sistema inmunologico, quitandome la tolerancia a la radiacion ambiental. Para poder recuperarme, tenia que pasar las tardes en el campo alejado de la ciudad. Alli empeze a leer la Biblia. Me aferre a la Biblia como alguien que se aferra a un salvavidas cuando se esta ahogando. Algo me decia que alli estaba la solucion a mis problemas. Habia buscado la inteligencia y sabiduria en la educacion. Envidiaba a aquellos que se veian educados y seguros de si mismos. Sin embargo, entre mas habia estudiado no llegaba la sabiduria, pero aprendi a aparentar seguridad. Lejos estaba de saber que la ciencia sin Dios te aleja mas de El, y que la inteligencia y sabiduria se hallan en el camino buscando a Dios.
A la mejor este librito tiene truco, pense. Tiene casi mil paginas, pero estoy acostumbrado a leer mas, pensaba yo. No me imaginaba que este libro es el manual de la vida, y que para entrar en ella tienes que esforzarte todos los dias en tratar a tu projimo como a ti mismo, para agradar a Dios. Me tomo un ano leer la Biblia por primera vez. Despues de leerla tres veces, un pastor me dijo que si no hay la chispa de Dios en tu corazon es como tener un carro sin bateria.
En el ano 2000, Dios nos regalo a mi hija, Kim, al ano siguiente Dios nos regalo a mi hijo Ivan, despues nos regalo a mi hija Karina. Me empeze a poner peor, casi no podia trabajar. Al principio trataba de convencerme a mi mismo que la agrecion electronica habia terminado y de que lo que me afectaba era nadamas la electricidad en el ambiente. Sin embargo, yo veia que mis hijos gritaban, se estremecian y se quejaban de dolor al mismo tiempo que yo sentia los choques electricos. Mis hijos se veian inflamados y desorientados, pero no podia decir nada sin que pensaran que estaba loco. Para empezar, nadie en mi famila podia entender como las luces, un televisor, un refrigerador o un aire acondicionado pudieran causarme inflamacion y dolor. Algunos pensaban que estaba buscando escusas para no trabajar y fui objeto de insultos y burlas. Mi familia se volvio tambien mi enemigo.
Busque ayuda y comprension con aquellos que parecian mas inteligentes sin ningun resultado. Ni los mas educados podian contemplar la posibilidad que hubiera tecnologia invisible tan avanzada que pudiera torturar y asesinar gente a la distancia. Aparte del dolor que sentia, mi dolor era mas grande de ver a mis ninos con convulsiones en las madrugadas. No podia salir a la calle y pedir ayuda sin arriesgarme que me encerraran en un manicomio. Estaba en el pozo obscuro de la angustia y la desesperacion. Una vez llorando con mi hija en mis brazos le pedi a Dios que me diera lo que necesitaba para demostrar lo que nos estaba causando mal. Dios me escucho.
Armado con la evidencia necesaria, demande al unico que podia ser responsable de esta infamia, el govierno federal. Mientras se resolvia la demanda en los tribunales, trate de alejarme de mis ninos para haber si asi no les hacian dano. Le pedi al dueno del taller donde trabajaba me dejara quedarme alli despues de explicarle mi tribulacion. A las pocas semanas me pidio que me fuera porque el ya no aguantaba el dolor, y estaba preocupado de que lo mismo le pasara a su hijos. Las cosas se pusieron peor cuando el caso llego a la corte suprema de la nacion, y le pedi a mi esposa que se fuera con los ninos al rancho de sus papas en Mexico.
Unos dias despues se aparecio un policia en mi casa con una orden de arresto. Habian convencido a mi mama que yo no queria tratamiento medico para la inflamacion y de que un hospital del estado podia curarme. Sin saber, mi mama me estaba mandando a un manicomio. En el hospital, presente mis expedientes medicos, explicando que me iba a poner peor si me detenian alli. Esa noche la pase en la sala de emergencias con el corazon inflamado. Durante la evaluacion siquatrica el doctor me dijo que no sabia de problemas como el mio, y catalogo como delirio mental el echo de que tubiera un caso pendiente en la corte suprema.
Le pedi a Dios que por favor no me dejara morir alli, porque no le queria dar este dolor a mis hijos cuando supieran que su papa murio en un manicomio. Dios me escucho. Ese mismo dia, vi una persona pasando cerca de mi. Su cara reflejaba una serenidad y paz interior. Algo me hizo preguntarle si el era doctor. Me dijo que si. Le pregunte si sabia de pacientes que eran alergicos a la electricidad. Me dijo que en Grecia de donde era el, habia estudiado varios casos de sensibilidad a la electricidad. Despues de hacerme una evaluacion siquiatrica, me dijo que el unico problema que tenia yo era lo dificil de explicar a la gente que la radiacion me hace dano. Cuando llege a mi casa, mi esposa y mis hijos me estaban esperando. Un mes despues, el dolor y la inflamacion ya no me dejaban respirar, y me llevaron al rancho de mis suegros en Mexico. Esa misma noche la agrecion electronica casi me mata. Ya no quedaba duda, la agrecion electronica era dirigida por satelite. Era mayo del ano 2003.
Es dificil de creer que alguien pueda usar satelites para torturar y matar gente, le dije a mis suegros un dia que estaba acostado en un catre, viendo las estrellas. El dolor era intenso y apenas podia respirar. Cada dia parecia ser el ultimo. Lo que me esta pasando a mi le puede pasar tambien a ustedes. Esto es como ponernos todos los dias dentro de un horno de micro ondas explique. Al menos que haganos algo, aqui no van a quedar ni las gallinas, los que nos estan haciendo esto saben que la gente tacha de imaginacion lo que no pueden entender, explique. Solamente Dios nos puede salvar de esto, pero seria tentar a Dios si no hacemos algo por defendernos, explique. Lo mas prudente ahora es unirnos como familia y mandar cada uno una carta a nuestros diputados y senadores pidiendo una explicacion de este caso. Puede que asi nos dejen en paz, explique. No lo hagan por mi, haganlo por mis hijos, implore. Un dia, uno de mis sobrinos me pidio le ayudara con una tarea en tecnologia de satelite. Lei en voz alta un parrafo que explicaba como satelites equipados con poderosos lasers y otras techologias mortales son usados para monitorear personas en tierra.
Era horrible oir como se quejaban mis suegros toda la noche. Mi suegra pensaba que era brujeria. Aunque ella le servia a Dios, el dolor era tanto que me convencio de ir a ver una curandera. Gracias a Dios no la encontramos.
Un dia senti la necesidad de ir al templo del rancho. Alli llore cuando me pusieron las manos. Sin saber, me estaba humillando a los pies de Cristo. Fue maravilloso.
Le pedia a Dios que viera en mi el deseo sincero de servirle, pero me daba verguenza invitar a el Espiritu Santo a morar en mi, cuando mi cabeza estaba llena de orgullo, arrogancia, de envidia, odio, resentimiento, y deseos de venganza. Poco a poco empeze a sacar toda esa maldad de mi cabeza, y compartia con mis hermanos mis esfuerzos para purificar mi mente. Les decia que uno tiene la costumbre de juzgar a la gente con tan solo verla. "Y casi siempre es para mal" me dijo una de mis hermanas. Era verdad. Tan torpe era yo que no entendia, era como una bestia delante de Dios.
El monitoreo me seguia hasta en el templo, y la pastora empezo a ponerse toallas humedas en la cabeza para mitigar el dolor. Despues se puso tan mal que tuvo que dejar el templo por mucho tiempo. Cuando cai en la cuenta de que si el Hijo de Dios habia pedido perdon para aquellos que lo azotaban, lo escupian y se burlaban de el, empeze a orar por aquellos que estan detras de esta tortura. Las cosas empezaron a cambiar cuando la oracion se volvio sincera.
Cuando sentia que me quedaba solo dias de vida, regrese a mi casa a ver a mis hijos por ultima vez. Gracias a Dios me empeze a sentir mejor. Dios me devolvio las manos para trabajar. Sin embargo al poco tiempo, la agrecion se intensifico hasta en el trabajo. Un dia, de rodillas le pedi a Dios me diera lo que necesitaba para demostrar que la agrecion persisitia. En ese momento sono el telefono. Habia estado en un programa de radio explicando esta tribulacion, y me estaban ofreciendo el equipo que necesitaba. Aunque he tratado de explicar esta tribulacion de mil formas, solamente aquellos que tienen una relacion sincera con Dios han alcanzado a comprender mi prueba. Dios me ha estado dando en el tiempo de El, los medios para demostrar con echos que este plan diabolico es real.
Dios ha escuchado mis oraciones. Un disputado estatal, despues de entrevistar varias victimas, ha mandado cartas a otros legisladorses pidiendoles ayuda para detener la tortura de hombres mujeres y ninos. Mis hijas no podian hablar bien y se han estado componiendo. A mi hija de tres anos le crecio un tumor en un pie y no podia mover dos dedos de la mano. El tumor desaparecio un dia antes de la cirugia, y ahora puede mover todos los dedos de sus manitas. Lo que yo pesaba que habia salido mal en el litigio, resulto para bien. Aunque no logro parar la agrecion electronica, el litigio establecio como cosa juzgada mi estabilidad mental y el echo de que hay un plan para hacer dano aquellos que se quejan de injusticia de un modo que los demas no lo perciban. El litigio establecion el echo de que algunos jueces federales cometieron frude en los tribunales para protejer a aquellos culpables de tortura y asesinato. Esta misma evidencia puede ser usada para defender a otros. Esta prueba me ha dado la oportunidad de animar a otras victimas a buscar a Dios. Siento que es mas facil que Dios defienda a sus siervos del malo que de que defienda al malo de otro malo.
El acoso callejero continua. Varias veces nos han tratado de atropellar a mis hijos y a mi, y hasta he recibido amenazas de muerte. Se me ha tachado de abusador de ninos, drogadicto, espia y hasta de enfermo mental. Es triste ver en congregaciones algunos que participan en esta maldad. Aunque el dolor no cesa ni de dia ni de noche, y aunque la tortura por satelite ocurre hasta cuando le ayudo a mis hijos con la tarea, Dios me ha dado la fortaleza para soportar esta prueba. Hasta en la agonia del dolor, siento el gozo de haber puesto toda mi fe y confianza en Dios. Se que los que esperan en Jehova, nunca seran avergonzados, y que Dios guardara en santa paz a aquellos cuyo pesamiento en El persevera. Ahora entendi que el meditar en la Palabra de Dios en todo lo que hacemos es el principio de la sabiduria y de la solucion a todos nuestros problemas. Se que todas las cosas obran para bien a los que le sirven a Dios. Les ruego sus oraciones por nosotros y por aquellos que nos procuran este mal.
Jesus Mendoza, 2202 E. 28th. St. Mission, Texas, 78574 Tel. 956/ 519 7166;

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